Ojai Artists Tour

OjaiArtTour2One of my favorite spots to visit is Ojai, California. It has a laid back, almost hippie vibe (but not with the dirty feet, dancing in circles nonsense).

Coming up in a couple of weeks is their Ojai Studio Artists Tour. This event includes over 50 local (professional) artists who open their studios to visitors for a rare, behind-the-scenes look at their collections. It will be held over Columbus weekend, October 11-13.

One artist worth special mention is my friend, Soni Wright. Her art is described as “non-representational” and very “tactile”. She wants the viewer to “see with the hands as well as the eyes.” Her art is a good reflection of her: spunky and layered.

Ojai_soniMy boyfriend (who is also my husband – big plus!) and I are planning to attend and visit as many studios as he can navigate me to in the limited time we have (he loves anything that involves a map so he will be all smiles I’m sure).

I’ll get back to you all with a recap of the festivities. However, you can partake in the festivities too (if you’d like) and then let me know your thoughts as well. Don’t wait too long to buy tickets, though, as this event will sell-out. Happy travels!


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