Lighthouses. This summer was an unexpected tour of these bastions to seafaring days. I have always had a wistful, melancholic love of these beauties. Their beacon of light shines hope, safety, caution, direction to all who pass by. Come, let me share some with you…
Diamond Head Lighthouse on Oahu, Hawaii, is right in the middle of a neighborhood and beautifully kept up. I passed it on one of my trolley adventures while Spaceman and I were there.
Makapu’u Lighthouse is also on Oahu, Hawaii, at the end of a long trail. It is an easy walk/hike out to it, but the trail is very popular and parking is tight so be aware if you choose to go. We chose to admire from a distance while I hummed Hawaiian tunes in my head (much to Spaceman’s delight, I am sure).
Cobbossee Lake Lighthouse is in Maine. It is the only fresh water lighthouse in New England and happens to be on the lake where my brother’s girlfriend has a home, score! After (almost) my whole family descended on her house, we are all thankful they are still together. It was odd how she kept saying she wanted to be buried there — did she think she wouldn’t make it through a week with us?
Borden-Carleton Lighthouse is at the entrance to Prince Edward Island, Canada. It stands proud at the start (or end depending on your direction) of a roughly 8 mile long bridge which takes about 12 minutes to cross.
This one is also on Prince Edward Island down a little side road that we found…after following dirt roads, walking about in the mud, and basically having bonding moment after bonding moment with my dad and sister (chaos will do that).
St. Andrews Lighthouse (often called Pendlebury Lighthouse) stands guard at the entrance to St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, a small seaside town about an hours drive after crossing the border from Maine into Canada. I immediately fell in love with this town. Sweetly my dad promised to buy me the home next to the lighthouse in the picture (could this have been a result of all the wine he and my sister had drunk? Nah!).
It was a summer of many adventures for me. Looking back at all these beautiful lighthouses and remembering our discovery of them brings the excitement right back. Do you have a favorite lighthouse?
Such GREAT memories!!!! this was a really fun post, Sher!!
Thanks, Kathy!