Happy Valentine’s Day!

IMG_0003My sweet niece sent this to me once and I wanted to pass it along — Happy Valentine’s Day! Olaf is a fearless friend who always looks to the bright side, and I wish the same for all of you. Love is not only a feeling (although that is great), it is an attitude as well. Go and share your loving attitude with someone this Valentine weekend.


Red Stop Signs, Why?

Stop_Sign_TreesSlamming on my brakes, my car slid to a stop at the somewhat hidden stop sign (I may have been distracted by my rather robust sing-along with the radio). The red of the sign caught my attention at the last moment and I reacted — then thought, “Good thing that sign is red, but why is it red?” Have you ever wondered the same thing?

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Thanksgiving Thoughts


                                                          (Gobble, Gobble!)

Can it really be Thanksgiving already? This is my favorite holiday, no presents necessary, just good food spent with family and friends. It also means that my mom has been gone eight months now. How can that be? I used to think time would and could heal all things. Continue reading

Kangaroos, Did You Know?

Kangaroo_Statue_Perth1Australia is one of my favorite travel destinations. Its drama starts way before stepping foot on the continent with all of its notorious “most” things, i.e., the most deadly spider, the most fatal shark attacks, the most adorable animals. Australia has an allure all its own. One of those things is the kangaroo. Almost all people know that baby kangaroos (joeys) are born smaller than a teaspoon in size and can grow to over six feet tall, but did you know…

  • It is widely believed that kangaroo moms can decide the sex of their new born. They usually prefer to have a girl (doe) joey first. Although I could cite various reasons I might do this, it is thought to be done because the mom wants companionship. Female kangaroos stay together in packs while male kangaroos move away within a year to start their own mobs (the correct term for a pack of kangaroos, not just unruly people).
  • A joey nurses inside its mother’s pouch for seven to ten months with only sporadic, short, inquisitive jaunts outside the pouch before leaving to live completely autonomously. If, during this time, the joey gets scared it may leap head-first into the mother’s pouch and worry about situating itself correctly later (ouch!).
  • “Kangaroo” in a direct translation from the Native Australian Aboriginal means, “I don’t understand you.” It is thought that Captain James Cook happened upon these animals during his explorations and asked the natives what they were. They responded with, “Kangaroo!”

SSKanga1                                          (Me and Spaceman amongst Friends)

If you are planning a trip down under, here are a couple of other posts you may find interesting and want to include in your itinerary — Free Transportation around Perth, and Kangaroos in Perth.

Blowhard at the Blowhole

Oahu_BlowholeIt was a beautiful day on a beautiful island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The day was warm, but the ocean breeze was refreshing and I was delighted to see the Halona Blowhole on Oahu, Hawaii. As I was enjoying the moment, a voice kept talking, and talking, and talking! My peaceful bubble was popped by this person who demanded everyone within ear shot “overhear” all of his oceanic knowledge. I thought, “Huh, what irony…a blowhard at a blowhole.” Then I started to wonder about the origins of the word blowhard. Here is what I found:

“Blowhard comes from the phrase ‘blow your own horn.’ To blow your own horn is to be a braggart or “blowhard.” This expression in the American West about the middle of the 19th century derives from an earlier expression, blow your own trumpet, dating back to at least 1576 and probably originating in medieval times, when heralds blew trumpets to announce the arrival of the king. Of course, any merchant or other commoner who wanted to announce his arrival had to blow his own horn.” (reference from Askville site)

The take-away from my blowhole experience, don’t stand downwind from the crowd if possible. This way you eliminate the blowhard at the blowhole.



Flower Power!

Flower_RedOn my recent travels I was delighted by all the beautiful wild flowers and formal planted gardens we saw. I couldn’t help but smile at their exuberance and bursts of color. It was as if they were saying, “Hello! Let’s be friends.” (Spaceman didn’t seem to hear the same thing, hmmm.) After realizing that everyone with me was also happier because of this display of flower power, I started to wonder about the emotional impact of flowers. Were those in the 60’s on to something with the flower power movement? Please no!

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Back in Town!

me&seppoengagefixWell, hello! I am back in town and hoping you remember me. The past month has been a whirlwind filled with all sorts of new adventures. Here’s a quick peek at some of the things I have been doing:

  • Celebrating my birthday with Spaceman where my parent’s celebrated their honeymoon many years ago.
  • Cruising Oahu with my love and being thankful the island is hard to get lost on as I stink at navigation.
  • Sampling ice cream at the number one ranked ice cream store in the world according to Tauck Tours (and I must say it was gooood!).
  • Getting my passport stamped at another US National Park.
  • “Breathing In and Breathing Out” with family around a campfire as we watched for shooting stars.

I will share more about these stories once I have had time to catch my breath and do a little laundry.

Some exciting news, while I was away I was highlighted by The Blogger Collective as the Blogger Babe of the Week…very cool! Check out my story:

Blogger Babe of the Week: Sharon of Foreign Escapades


Two Week Sojourn

Airport_Demo                                       (image courtesy of Samuel Louie)

I am heading out for a two week sojourn through territories unexplored. This means my posts will be delayed until my return. Please check-in with my Facebbok page to see some pictures along the way. I look forward to sharing my adventures with you all when I return.